I just moved back to the US after living in Japan for six years. Where did you spend your time in Japan? Generally, I'm not a Murakami fan, but I liked his book about running. I think context is important here. We know he's a runner, which is another activity that is both painful and fun. If you look at Japanese work culture, it also makes sense. The worker isn't meant to enjoy work beyond the satisfaction of knowing that one is working. If I consider the work of writing in isolation, I also find it fun. The unfun parts have to do with what surrounds it: the fear that it won't be any good, no one will read it, etc. Those are things that aren't the actual writing, but cast a shadow onto the experience of writing.

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Just what I needed to read at the moment, thanks Michael! I might frame the quote about experiencing happiness and sadness at the same time..

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